Digital Documents

Please CLICK ON the links below to find the documents for the Alternative Approval Process.  All documents can be downloaded and printed at your convenience.  Please be sure to select “fit to page” on your printer.

Starting on February 20th, hard copies of the Owner Response Form can also be obtained at Fire Hall #1 at 844 Heriot Bay Road in Quathiaski Cove during business hours (9am-3pm, Monday-Thursday).

Information PackageAvailable now. (This was the submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and provide a detailed proposal including background information, the case for a new fire hall, borrowing arrangements, details of the AAP process, timelines, and, in the appendices, the borrowing bylaw, a detailed construction budget, seismic report for the current hall, and the letters patent, among other things.)

Notice of Alternative Approval ProcessAvailable now.

Owner Response FormAvailable now.

Note: If you are planning to submit the Owner Response Form by email, please write in dark ink.  Attaching a scan or photo of the Form to an email is acceptable as long as all info you have written on the Form is legible.