Fire Hall #2 Replacement Project

The South Quadra Island Fire Protection District has been working for the past several years on a plan to improve the safety and functionality of the current Fire Hall #2 in Heriot Bay.  After careful review of areas of concern, Fire Hall #2 stood out as very weak in regards to volunteer safety and compliance with WorkSafe BC, BC Building Code, and Fire Code requirements.

The trustees considered the option to retrofit and renovate the existing building. This option was voted down due to lack of water and septic on the site, the fact that the site is leased and not owned, the age and size of the building, the size of the lot, and seismic issues.

The option to build a new structure on previously purchased land at 1525 West Road was voted as the best use of taxpayer funds as it would provide a safe building and address the list of ongoing concerns.

On this page

What’s wrong with the current Fire Hall #2?

The current Fire Hall #2 in Heriot Bay was built in 1970 and is outdated and unsafe.  Here are the reasons why.

The current Fire Hall #2 is:

  • Not compliant with WorkSafe BC standards
  • Not compliant with safety standards for fire halls
  • Inadequate space to accommodate current or future equipment and personnel needs
  • Without water or septic capabilities (it has no water supply or waste water disposal system nor potential for either in the future)
  • Not built to seismic post-disaster standards (would not withstand an earthquake)
  • Not energy efficient
  • Inadequate space on the lot to store water in the ground
  • Constructed on leased land
Images of the current Fire Hall #2

How will the replacement Fire Hall #2 be different?


The design of the replacement Fire Hall #2 is based on similar fire halls throughout Vancouver Island, and customized to the needs of our community.  

The location, size of property, volunteer health and wellness, and costs for construction of the proposed replacement Fire Hall #2 were the primary considerations in the design.  

The replacement fire hall will meet current building standards as well as seismic post-disaster standards. It will meet WorkSafeBC requirements for gear storage, cleaning, and the decontamination of members and firefighting equipment as part of efforts to reduce the risk of job-related cancers. It will provide much needed storage space for firefighting apparatus (vehicles) and equipment. The design also considers future growth by utilizing a second floor above the administration/training meeting area. 

It is not fancy or frilly.  Rather it just covers the basics required for modern day fire halls, while also considering the future needs of a growing population.

Ground Floor
Upper Floor


  • A public entrance with an administration/training meeting area 
  • Bays for up to four pieces of apparatus (emergency response vehicles/fire trucks)
  • Separate areas for radio communications, mechanical, electrical, gear, storage, offices, and laundry (separation is required but not possible in the current Fire Hall #2)
  • A room for self-contained breathing apparatus cleaning, maintenance, and compressor refill 
  • Two washrooms with gear/equipment decontamination areas 
  • In ground bulk water storage for firefighting

Putting Safety First

Our proposed replacement Fire Hall #2 in Heriot Bay will be safer, for firefighters and the community, because it will:

  • Enable faster water refill times due to the water storage and pumping capacity, saving valuable time when every second counts
  • Support our community’s growth and development with increased capacity and flexibility
  • Meet all building codes and standards for a fire station
  • Provide a modern, safe, and energy efficient facility for our firefighters with proper water and septic capacity
  • Meet WCB requirements for gear storage and cleaning, including decontaminating equipment and reducing the risk of job related cancers associated with firefighting
  • Be able to withstand an earthquake
  • Be constructed on land we own at 1525 West Road (already purchased)
  • Become the back-up Command Center in an emergency if Fire Hall #1 is compromised
  • Provide fire service coverage to Heriot Bay and area (within our Fire Improvement District boundaries)

How much will it cost?

We worked with industry experts to reach a realistic and responsible estimate of building costs based on current market prices and a timeline for construction that may not start for two years.

The cost of building a replacement Fire Hall #2 is estimated to be $2,900,000 if we commence construction in 2025. If we wait, the cost is likely to increase.

How will it be funded?

A project of this size will require us to borrow.  Repayment of the loan will be made possible through a tax levy to property owners within the Fire Protection District. In order to proceed with borrowing, we are required to seek approval from property owners to borrow the necessary funds.

The Local Government Act allows an Improvement District to use a Special Meeting, an Alternative Approval Process (AAP), or a Referendum in order to gain approval for an increase in taxation.

After carefully considering the pros and cons of each option, the Board of Trustees decided to use the Alternative Approval Process, as we have done in the past, to seek property owner approval of the borrowing of funds. 

The properties within the South Quadra Island Fire Protection District will pay an estimated $23.50 per $100,000 of assessed property value per year. This will start in the month of July following the completion of construction, so not for a few years. The term of the loan will be a maximum of 20 years.

Property owners outside the Fire Protection District will not be impacted.

What is the timeline?

If property owner approval is obtained through the AAP, we will begin immediately to take the steps required to build the replacement Fire Hall #2.  We predict that we will complete construction in 2027.