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Our History
Want to know more about the Quadra Island Fire Department and its two fire halls? Here is a little bit of history on where it all began.
The South Quadra Island Fire Protection District was established by a group of citizens concerned about the lack of fire protection in the area. In those days, Quadra Island was a rural area with fishing and logging being the main industries.
It was humble beginnings for this fire department. The first fire truck was a used truck purchased for $2000. With ingenuity and hard work, the members of the fire department built it into a fire truck. They bought: 2 used sirens, 2 used small portable pumps, 1 large portable pump, 1 dozen firefighter boots, 1 dozen firefighter helmets, 1000 feet of used hose, and 1000 feet of new hose. Stories say the engine blew up on the first fire call and another engine was installed for $300. The fire truck and equipment was parked in someone’s garage, as there was no fire hall.
Fire Protection Services were contracted with Cape Mudge Village. (This continues to today with the We Wai Kai Nation.)
Land was obtained from BC Packers in the form of a 100 year lease for Hall #1 in Quathiaski Cove. The price was $1 per year.
Land was obtained for Hall #2 in Heriot Bay, again on leased land, at 1515 West Road.
Official Grand opening of Hall #1 in Quathiaski Cove on April 3rd.
An old school house was donated and moved onto the leased land in Heriot Bay as the new Fire hall #2.
The original Fire Hall #2 in Heriot Bay was replaced with a new cinder block concrete building similar to the one that was built in Quathiaski Cove. It cost $5,845.13 and did not include water or septic facilities. This is the Fire Hall #2 that still stands today at 1515 West Road.
The original cinder block Fire Hall #1 in Quathiaski Cove was aging and was replaced with the current Fire Hall #1, at the new location of 844 Heriot Bay Road in Quathiaski Cove.
The new Fire Hall #1 was on purchased land and was also built due to the population growth of Quadra Island and response time requirements. These changes dictated that a new and larger fire hall be built in the Quathiaski Cove area to accommodate more fire fighting apparatus (vehicles) and equipment, training space, an office, and a workshop, as well as water and septic facilities.
Study of seismic stability completed on Fire Hall #2. Showed that Fire Hall #2 is at significant risk of damage and may collapse in a seismic event.
Research to explore and cost out upgrade options for the existing Fire Hall #2 determined that the cost would exceed the value of the building and could not address the lack of water and sewage services on the site.
A successful Alternative Approval Process (AAP) approved the borrowing of $200,000.00 from the Province of BC, to be repaid over 15 years. This enabled the purchase the 0.8 acre lot at 1525 West Road for the future construction of a replacement Fire Hall #2. The loan was budgeted to be repaid using existing funding and no increase in tax rates was required.
The property at 1525 West Road (diagonally across the street from the current Fire Hall #2) in Heriot Bay was purchased. The intention was that the construction of a replacement hall would fulfill the requirements for a post-disaster-emergency building.
Click on the photo for more history, and stories of notable fires, from Russell Swanson, the first Fire Warden for Quadra Island.
Quadra Island Fire Department Today
Today, the Quadra Island Fire Department operates out of two fire halls, strategically located to allow firefighters to arrive at the scene of an emergency as quickly as possible.
Our personnel consists of 38 dedicated volunteers under the direction of the Chief, the Deputy Chief, and a team of experienced officers. Our members serve our community 24/7, protecting life and property, and helping people in their time of need. These members respond to over 200 calls per year (261 calls in 2023) for fire, motor vehicle incidents, medical emergencies, low slope rescue operations, and hazardous material incidents.
Our firefighters are trained and certified using the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) standard for professional firefighters. This has resulted in a well-trained and effective Fire Service Operation.
Our firefighters are also certified and provincially licensed medical First Responders.
The official website for the Quadra Island Fire Department is www.quadrafire.org.
The Members of the Board of Trustees are:
- Murray Abercrombie – Chairperson
- Heather Adams – Treasurer
- Doug Peters – Secretary
- Brad Assu – Member at large
- Linda Lolacher – Member at large
Our Stats
Total Number of Calls over the Past Eight Years.
Our Emergency Medical Response (First Responder) calls have generally been increasing. Note: During the pandemic in 2020/2021 our numbers were skewed as we limited our medical contact.
All other calls (including Structure fires, Chimney fires, Beach/brush fires, Motor Vehicle Incidents (MVI), Rescues, Alarm Activation, Hydro Trouble, and Duty Officer calls) fluctuate year to year.